Undoubtedly you have heard the phrase, “Do what you’ve always done … you’ll always get the same results”, or the phrase’s idiot cousin, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.”
While over the last few years, we have not been adverse to change, we have also not been quick to change for the sake of change.
That hasn’t changed.
However, we will be changing some things up in order to seek some differing results as 2018 unfolds.
One change has already been implemented as we asked Ministry Team leaders to prepare budgets for each of their ministry teams. Never before have Ministry Team leaders been given the responsibility of financially planning for their own ministry.
That has caused a bump in our budget for 2018. All of the increase in the 2018 budget is attributable to the funding of the Ministry Teams. It is a bold step of faith.
We are also looking toward the implementation of some new ministries in the coming year. One of those is exploring the idea of a “coffeehouse worship” environment on Saturday evenings.
We have a growing number of FCC Chicago members who are unable to attend Sunday worship services regularly. We want to give them an opportunity to participate in worship.
However, we also want to offer a different kind of worship option that will increase the opportunity for us to reach a group that we are currently not reaching as effectively as we might. The younger generations have shown a higher receptivity to a coffeehouse environment for worship than a traditional service.
Planning is still in process, but we are looking at a soft launch for the Saturday coffeehouse worship sometime in the month of March. Be praying as we make preparations for this service.