As we, at least for the near future, continue to be cautious about our
meeting together due to the second spike of COVID-19, we need to not get
lost in the inability to meet together for worship or bible study. We need to
continue to take advantage of the opportunities that God is granting for us
to go deeper in faith.
Some people consider 2020 a lost year, a year with no value that we just had
to survive. However, in a Pew Research Poll, in 11 of 14 countries surveyed,
respondents shared that their faith has become stronger, not weaker, during
the last year.
How have you fared over the last year? Was 2020 a year when faith grew or
a year to just get past? Answer that by taking a moment and consider, “How
has God deepened my faith over the last year?”
What circumstances have arisen that have challenged me to lean into God over the last year?
What opportunities to grow through learning have I taken advantage?
What relationships have you fostered in order to use them to grow yourself or to grow others over the year?
How have you engaged in serving others, albeit from a distance?
All of these things we have talked about during the Go Deeper message
series. God desires for you to have a deeper, more intimate relationship with
Him. However, that can only happen as you participate in the opportunities
that he gives you to grow.
Think of some of the questions in a reverse way:
If you have tuned out of worship, Bible study, prayer group and hospitality, how has that altered your intimacy with God?
How has your faith suffered if you have disconnected from others over the last year?
What opportunities to serve others have you by-passed or neglected, and how has that affected your faith?
What life events/circumstances have caused you to lean away from God over the last year?
We have been limited by the quarantine demands. But don't allow the
quarantine to become a reason for your faith to shrink. Find opportunities to
continue to go deep even when you are told to stay in.