1/14/25 Mark 2:13-14
Mark tells us of the call of Matthew, named Levi in Mark. Jesus is passing by. He calls out to him “Follow me”. Levi got up and followed Jesus. Easy enough?
Not quite. This brief calling has a much deeper message.
Levi is a tax collector. He is considered by his fellow Jews a collaborator with the hated Romans. He has committed treason against God and His people by consorting with the enemy. Levi would be, in their minds, spiritually irredeemable. He was a despicable.
Yet, Jesus invites Levi to follow Him. In this call Jesus is manifesting the redeeming call of all people into His kingdom (Isaiah 60:1). No one is beyond God's redemptive reach. God’s grace is big enough to welcome the most irredeemable.
Q: Picture the worst sinner you know personally. Now, picture them being your equal in God’s kingdom. What is your immediate, visceral feeling about their inclusion?