1/15/25 Mark 2:15-17
After Levi is called to follow Jesus, he invites all of his fellow despicables to a party at his home with Jesus as the honored guest. It would have been bad enough that Jesus made Levi a disciple. Attending a party, and eating with all of his sinful buddies was infuriating.
Eating with people in the near east communicated acceptance. Jesus eating with tax collectors and sinners shouts, “I welcome you.” How could a truly spiritual rabbi accept sinful people?
In some manner, people still wrestle with that question. Have you ever given the side-eye to someone who entered your place of worship who had a questionable reputation and looked the part? Have you ever wondered, “What are they doing here?” Or thought to yourself, “They don't belong.”
We should not read Jesus responding to their objection by saying that He didn't come for the well, but to call the sick, as suggesting that the religious leaders are among the well. They just think they are. They are like so many people who don't consult a doctor because “As long as I am unaware of my poor health, I can act like I'm fine.”
Q: Are you realistic about your own sinfulness, or do you fight the urge to consider yourself better than others?